Stone Bowie

Product Description for Stone Bowie

Maker: Errett Callahan, PhD (click to see more by this maker)
Item num: 3237
** This is handmade and one-of-a-kind **
Blade length: 4.50 in.
Total length: 9.00 in.
Blade height (at heel): 1.60 in.
Blade thickness (near bolster): 0.36 in.
Item weight: 4.64 oz.
Blade: Hand knapped black obsidian
Handle: Sambar stag with natural sinew and fish glue
Description: Errett Callahan is considered by many to be the "Bill Moran" of flint knapped knives. His designs are inventive, yet strive for authenticity. The Glass Buttes black obsidian blade is hand precision knapped for a very dramatic appearance. It is held into the stag handle using sinew and fish glue. Exceptional work throughout.

Availability: Not currently available