Carbon Fibre

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Product Description for Carbon Fibre

Maker: Des Horn (click to see more by this maker)
Item num: 1119
** This is handmade and one-of-a-kind **
Blade length: 2.87 in.
Total length: 6.50 in.
Blade height (at heel): 0.61 in.
Blade thickness (near bolster): 0.09 in.
Item weight: 1.00 oz.
Blade: ATS-34 stainless steel, double tempered and quenched in liquid nitrogen for maximal edge holding ability
Handle: Carbon fiber
Style: Folding liner lock
Description: This very light, strong folder was designed by Des Horn for daily use. It is being collaboratively made by Geyer. Excellent fit and finish with great action. So light that you will not even realize it is with you until you need it.

Availability: Not currently available